pieter van bogaert
some projects

Fort Beau
work in progress / work without end
(2017- )
Grand Tour 2020:
meetings across Europe on art and ecology
with Imagine 2020
De Handelaars
(The Handlers / Les Entrepreneurs)
with Kelly Schacht
in and around the Beursschouwburg, Brussels
How would I know:
video letters from Lebanon and beyond
for Wiels, Brussels
blijven kijken
/ ce qui nous regarde /
for M, Leuven
on the Imaginary Practice
fröhliche werkstatt
with Gorik Lindemans
picture this!
for deBuren, Brussels
images and bodies in times of excess
for Z33, Hasselt
time suspended
with Herman Asselberghs & Els Opsomer
for Witte de With, Rotterdam
(and Kunsthal, Bergen; Netwerk, Aalst, KVS, Brussels)
for Z33, Hasselt
[sonic]square # 8
with Herman Asselberghs & Els Opsomer
at Roomade, Brussels
[sonic]square # 7
for Kaaitheater, Brussels
[sonic]square # 6
for Kaaitheater, Brussels
[sonic]square # 1-5
for Kaaitheater, Brussels
incident # 3-12
for Kaaitheater, Brussels
Mille Plateaux – Mode(s) d’emploi
for Cybertheatre, Brussels
Music for Televisions
for Bozar, Brussels